Sample Letter
Someone In My Corner
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What Should I Write About?

Writing for the first time to someone you've never met can be awkward! To help you out, here is a sample fill-in-the-blanks letter you can use if you wish, to help you get started! You don't HAVE to use this letter, of course! But it may be helpful to some of you!

Dear ______________ ,
      Hi! I heard you might like having someone to write to! My name is _________, but most people call me ___________. What do you like to be called?
       I am ____ years old. I work as a ___________. Some of the things I do at my job are _____________. I like/don't like my job because ___________.
(OR I stay at home with my children, go to school, volunteer, etc)
      What sort of music do you like? I like _____________. One of my favorite songs is _____________. Have you ever heard that song? What is your favorite song?
    In my spare time I like to ___________. What do you enjoy doing?
     (Other topics you could toss in: your children or other family members, pets, books you've read, hobbies, etc.)
      Write back soon! I can't wait to hear from you!
                             Yours truly,