The Child Abuse T-shirt Project is an offline traveling memorial for children who have died due to abuse.
Please help! It's simple! Just follow the directions below.
1. Choose a child from the list of available children... or, if you know of another child who died from
abuse, you can choose to memorialize him instead.
2. Notify me with who you have chosen. I will delete the name from the list, to prevent multiple people
from choosing the same child.
3. Buy a plain white T-shirt in the size that the child would have worn when he died. (For instance, if
you choose a child who died at age 2, buy a 2T shirt. For a baby, you might buy a onesie.)
4. With fabric marker or paint, write the child's name, age, and possibly circumstances of death on the
front of the T-shirt. (For instance, "Timmy Jones, age 2. My father beat me to death.")
5. Decorate the rest of the T-shirt any way you want.
6. Mail the T-shirt to me (I will e-mail you my address when you contact me). It will probably fit in a
manilla envelope and shouldn't take more than 3 or 4 stamps.
7. I will collect the T-shirts, and display them at various churches and social service agencies in my area,
on a clothesline.
8. If you would be interested in displaying the T-shirts in your area, let me know, and I will schedule
a time to mail the T-shirts to you. After displaying them at various places in your area, you can mail them to the next person
on the list.
9. This project will be ongoing, and will hopefully grow as more people get involved!
The purpose of this project is to show how widespread the problem of abuse is, to make more people realize
that impulsive violence on children can be fatal, and to convince others to get involved in working to prevent child
abuse. Please help!
Why have a child abuse memorial?
A few people
have asked me this question, even accusing me of having a morbid obsession with children who have died from abuse. As a person
with Asperger's Syndrome, I am prone to getting "stuck" on certain topics. But this particular topic is important
to me. I have many reasons for creating both an online Child Abuse Memorial page, and an offline Child Abuse Memorial T-shirt
Project. Here are just a few reasons.
RESPECT TO THE CHILDREN WHO HAVE DIED. Just as soldiers who died at war and people who died from AIDS have memorials to honor
them, it is important to immortalize the memories of little children who might otherwise be forgotten. No matter what your
beliefs are about death... whether you feel the children have gone to Heaven, will be reincarnated, are in an eternal dream,
or have simply ceased to exist at all... it is important to read these children's names, to speak their names aloud, to hear
their stories.
THE AWARENESS OF PARENTS. There are some people in this world who are just evil, or maybe so deranged from mental illness
or drug use that they no longer know what they're doing. These are the people who deliberately torture children, premeditate
violence towards them, or murder them in cold blood. These people deserve to be in prison, and the best thing that could happen
is for their children to be taken from them and protected from them as early as possible.
But most
parents who abuse their children love their children and don’t really want to hurt them.
I once
knew a woman, a young single mother living in a neighborhood made up largely of young single mothers and young male drug dealers,
who saw the teenaged mother next door to her come home drunk and start to punch and kick her two-year-old son. The woman became
outraged at the teenager, shouted at her, grabbed the child and took him to his grandmother’s house, and later called
DCFS on the teenager for child abuse. It horrified her to watch a mother abuse a child.
Yet this
same woman routinely slapped her own two-year-old daughter in the head or the face and beat her with a hanger or a belt…
because the toddler pooped in her diaper or cried at bedtime.
The woman
loved her child. She wanted the best for her child. She truly believed this was the best way to discipline a child. It was
how her mother had raised her and her siblings. It was how her friends and relatives were raising their children.
What if
that woman could see how many two-year-olds have been beaten TO DEATH for pooping in their diapers or crying at bedtime?
I heard of a school teacher who had a 6-year-old student casually mention to her that her father often punched her
and her 8-year-old brother in the face. The concerned teacher reported this to the school social worker, and the social worker
talked to the child privately to try to find out exactly what was going on in her home, and what the school could do to help
and protect the family. Hearing that the teacher had spoke to the social worker about the situation, a classroom aide became
angry. The aide argued that this was “family business”, and that what went on at home should stay at home. She
felt that because the child’s parents were from Mexico, where she said the hitting of children was culturally accepted,
to accuse these parents of abuse would be ethnocentric. And when you got right down to it, the aide went on, the child had
behavior problems and probably sometimes “needed” to be hit.
This classroom aide’s words are probably echoed by countless neighbors, relatives and acquaintances of parents
who abuse their children. It’s probable that, in most cases of severe abuse, someone knew what was happening, and chose
not to report it.
To be fair, reporting abuse can be sort of traumatizing to a person who leads a calm, average life. A person may be
anxious about calling a child abuse hotline or emergency number because they may have never had reason to call one before.
They may not know what to expect. They may fear they are overreacting. They may be reluctant to set into motion an abuse investigation.
They may worry that the abusive parents will find out who reported them and get angry. If the abuser is a family member of
the person, the person may worry about upsetting the rest of the family members.
But what if that person knew that the child in question could easily be dead from child abuse… and that they,
personally, could prevent that from happening by trying to get help for the child and the family?
These are just a few of the reasons I think it’s
important to have a memorial such as this. I hope, and pray, these projects will make a difference.
Isaiah Lugman Abdul-Qabid, age 11 weeks.
May, 1998.
Beaten to death by father.
Christopher Adams
July, 2003.
Shaken baby syndrome.
Roy Aguilera, age 18 months.
August, 2001.
Tortured and beaten to death by mother.
Jeremy Arens, age 3 months.
Shaken and beaten to death by father.
Mason Aube, age 3.
February, 1998.
Drowned in bathtub by his mother because he
Ashanti Affalo, age 13 months.
January, 2004.
Died from blows to the head by mother.
Gabriel Amaya, age 5 months.
October, 2003.
Drowned by his mother, along with his sister
Grace Headlee.
Janessa Aquirre, age 2.
Beaten to death for three consecutive days
by foster mother.
Memorialized by Angel Mann.
Miguel Arias-Baca, age 2 ½ .
January, 1999.
Beaten to death by foster father for soiling
his diaper.
Jonathan Austin, age 5 weeks.
Punched and beaten to death by father.
Raechel Austin, age 10 weeks.
Beaten and shaken to death by father.
Matthew Baez.
July, 1998.
Died due to long-term abuse by mother.
Danzel Bailey.
Starved to death by his foster parents.
Marisela Barajas, age 19 months.
Beaten to death by mother.
Justin Bell, age 1 month.
August, 1996.
Beaten to death by father.
Daytwon Bennet, age 5.
Starved and beaten to death by mother.
Inez Starshia Bennet
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Zachary Bennet, age 5.
April, 2003.
Beaten to death by father.
Ladarrius Bernard Benson, age 8 months.
January, 1997.
Shot by mother’s boyfriend.
Makala Black, age 4.
Beaten to death by father.
Modesto Blanco, age 22 months.
March, 2003.
Beaten to death by foster father.
Gilbert Bonneau, age 8.
Beaten with a stick by nuns at St. Colman’s
Home, and then suffocated with a pillow by these nuns.
Devon Booth.
September, 2002.
Beaten to death by his older sister, on instruction
by their stepfather.
Darrius Boughton
Dynasty Burton, age 6 weeks.
January, 2001.
Both infants were murdered by their mother.
Memorialized by Kirsten
Kristin Bouthot, age 1.
Stabbed by father.
Matthew Bower, age 3.
Suffocated by mother.
Chaneka Breedlove, age 2.
October, 1993.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Jaqueline Brewer, age 2.
December, 1996.
Starved to death by parents.
Kenderick Broadhead, age 5.
March, 2004.
Beaten to death by mother and her boyfriend.
Karrin Broadus, age 21 months.
March, 2002.
Beaten to death by babysitter.
Angel Bustamante, age 2.
December, 1996.
Beaten to death by stepfather.
Joshua Causey, age 4.
March, 2003.
Beaten to death by foster mother.
Rickiana Campbell, age 2.
September, 1999.
Beaten to death by her mother.
Courtney Ann Centers, age 3.
January, 2002.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Jose Cervantes, age 3.
Died of starvation and neglect by mother.
Maria Isabell Cervantes, age 4.
September, 2001.
Beaten to death by aunt for spitting out food.
Alexandria Champagne, age 21 months.
September, 1997.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Oyintado Cisneros, age 6 months.
November, 1998.
Beaten to death by father.
Nicole Clayton, age 2 ½
Died from child abuse by mother.
Tyler Coffey, age 3 months.
Shaken Baby Syndrome by father.
Adrian Conway, age 3.
Starved, tortured and beaten to death by mother.
(Memorialized by Patches)
Mika Cooper, age 9 months.
Shaken Baby Syndrome by father.
Christina Corrigan, age 13.
November, 1996.
Neglect by mother.
Andrew Cortes, age 23 months.
Shaken and beaten to death by father.
Jeremy Cravons, age 10 weeks.
August, 1984.
Beaten to death by his father.
Billy Joe Crawford, Jr., age 18 months.
Beaten to death by his parents’ roommate.
Eli Creekmore, age3.
September, 1986.
Kicked to death by his father.
Davey Crespin, age 7 months.
October, 2003.
Died of Shaken Baby Syndrome by babysitter.
Richard Cruz, age 4.
May, 2001.
Beaten to death by mother's boyfriend.
Cailan Cutillo, age 5 months.
June, 1999.
Suffocated after left in a hot car for six
Al-Lex Daniels, age 10 months.
May, 2002.
Beaten to death by his mother’s boyfriend,
who put on boxing gloves in order to beat the child.
Tonya Gross Daniels, age 5.
July, 1997.
Died of starvation and neglect by mother.
Anthony Davis, age 7 weeks.
September, 2001.
Died from Shaken Baby Syndrome.
China Marie Davis, age 1.
October, 1993.
Beaten to death by foster mother.
Rainbow Davis, age 5
Murdered by his parents.
James Dedekian, age 2 months.
Suffocated by mother.
Heather Discher, age 12 days.
Shaken Baby Syndrome by father.
Jacob Donske, age 2.
February, 2001.
Shaken baby syndrome by babysitter’s
Tanner Dowler, age 8 weeks.
October, 2002.
Beaten, shaken and burned to death by father.
Bryanna Draper, age 4 months.
April, 2001.
Beaten to death by father.
Shelby Duis, age 2.
January, 2004.
Beaten to death by mother.
Antwon Dumas, age 6.
Beaten to death by guardian.
Angelita Durazo,
age 1.
February, 2001.
Died of neglect
by her mother.
Christian Durnell,
age 2 months.
December, 1999.
Beaten to death
by father.
Matthew Eappen, age 8 months.
Strangled to death.
Robbie Ego
Beaten to death.
AshleyEng, age 7.
February, 1996.
Beaten and shaken to death.
Thalia Escoto, age 11 months.
May, 1997.
Beaten to death.
Frances Esquibel, age 2.
January, 1995.
Beaten to death by father’s girlfriend.
Ernesto Esquivel, age 5.
Guadalupe Esquivel, age 2.
Beaten to death by their father.
Rayvon Evans, age 22 months.
Held under boiling water by mother, who was
curious how long the child could be held there without crying.
Angi Farag, age 2.
October, 2000.
Beaten to death by her aunt.
Lazaro Figueroa, age 3.
October, 1990.
Beaten to death by mother and her girlfriend.
Destiny Flores, age 3.
December, 2001.
Tortured, raped and beaten to death by mother’s
Travis Follman, age 3.
Kicked to death by father.
James Fredrickson, age 18 months
December, 2001
Died of starvation and neglect by his parents.
Antonio Gaddies, Jr., age 5.
August, 2003.
Murdered by his father.
Christopher Gardner, age 3.
Beaten to death by his mother, her boyfriend
and their landlord.
Thomas Gebrihiwet
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Lindsay Gentry, age 15.
Stared to death by parents.
Crystal Goble, age 3.
February, 1998.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Corese Goldman, age 2.
Drowned by foster mother.
Julio Gonzalez, age 19 months.
Beaten to death by foster parents.
Tito Gonzalez, age 28 days.
August, 2001.
Beaten to death by his mother.
April Goodwin, age 3.
Suffocated by mother.
Corey Greer, age 4 months.
Died of neglect in a foster home.
Samantha Rose Guiterrez, age 13 months.
March, 2002.
Died due to being neglected.
Sabrina Green, age 9.
November, 1997.
Tortured and beaten to death by her adult
sister, who was her guardian, and the sister’s boyfriend.
Dustin Haaland.
November, 1998.
Beaten to death by father.
Teasia Haggerty, age 17 months.
January, 2001.
Beaten to death by babysitter.
Jasmine Hall, age 3.
January, 2003.
Shaken baby syndrome by stepfather.
Kawan Hamilton
December, 2000.
Beaten to death by mother.
Latiana Hamilton, age 17 months.
July, 2001.
Drowned by foster mother.
Christopher Hamm, age 6.
Austin Hamm, age 3.
Kyleigh Hamm, age 23 months.
December, 2003.
Driven into a lake and left to drown by mother
and her boyfriend.
Aidan Harris, age 2 months.
July, 2002.
Shaken and beaten to death by father.
Jeffrey Hart, age 5.
Died of child abuse by stepmother.
Diarrio Hayes, age 9.
Suffocated by mother.
Dominique Hayes, age 3.
December, 1995.
Beaten to death by parents.
Grace Headlee, age 4.
October, 2003.
Drowned by her mother, along with her baby
brother Gabriel Amaya.
Shawn Heger, age 18 months.
Shaken Baby Syndrome by daycare worker.
Lance Helms, age 2.
Beaten to death by either his father or father’s
Matthew Hendricksen, age 5 months.
Died of Shaken Baby Syndrome by babysitter.
Joselin Hernandez, age 2.
April, 2001.
Kicked and punched to death by father.
Sylena Hernkind, age 3.
November, 2001.
Tortured and beaten to death by her parents.
Joel Moses Hernandez, age 2.
January, 1998.
Kicked, choked and punched to death by stepfather.
Joselin Hernandez
Tortured and beaten to death by father.
Symphony Heyward, age 1.
July, 2002.
Died of Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Chazarus Hill, Jr., age 3.
September, 2003.
Beaten to death by father.
Xaevier Hill, age 1.
August, 1999.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
George Thunder Hindsley, age 2.
Smothered to death by father.
Matthew Hodges, age 3.
August, 1999.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Neo Hogan, age 11 months.
January, 2004.
Choked and beaten to death by father.
Alicia Howard, age 11 months.
July, 2003.
Beaten to death.
Joshua Hughes, age 12 weeks.
September, 1999.
Punched in head by father.
Desmond Huley.
March, 1997.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Christopher Ibarra, age 20 months.
December, 2001.
Shaken baby syndrome by father.
Miracle Jackson, age 7 months.
September, 2000.
Beaten and drowned by parents.
Dominic James, age 2.
August, 2002.
Shaken Baby Syndrome by foster father.
Elijah Kelly, age 4.
May, 2001.
Shaken baby syndrome by mother.
Adrianna Capri King, age 3 months.
July, 2000.
Tortured and beaten to death by father.
Quortney Alexandria Kley, age 20 months.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Savannah M. Koiner, age 16 months.
July, 2002.
Beaten to death.
DeMallon Krider, age 2.
Died of head injuries by mother.
Kylie Kros, age 2.
December, 2004.
John Ledvina, Jr., age 8.
Beaten to death by mother.
Vaundell Lee, age 4.
Beaten to death by father.
Nicholas Lemak, age 7.
Emily Lemak, age 6.
Thomas Lemak, age 3.
March, 1999.
Smothered to death by mother.
Mariah Claudine Leon, age 9 months.
January, 2001.
Shaken baby syndrome by her father.
Amber Lequieu, age 2.
Died of fatal head injury caused by child
abuse by father.
Isaiah Lewis, age 3 months.
August, 2001.
His mother handed him to a stranger at a bus
stop, and walked away. The stranger beat him to death.
Luis Limas, age 1 month.
April, 1998.
Beaten to death by father.
Nadine Lockwood, age 4.
September, 1996.
Starved to death by mother.
Gabriella Lopez, age 15 months.
Died of child abuse by father.
Tyreona Mabry, age 3 months.
February, 2004.
Beaten to death by parents.
Roman Magallanso, age 2.
September, 2002.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Christian Majors, age 4.
November, 1998. Died from child abuse.
Noel Mann, age 6.
August, 1996.
Stabbed to death by father.
Stephanie Martinez, age 5.
December, 2001.
Burned to death by foster mother.
Adreana Matlock, age 18 months.
July, 2002.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Jamie Mayne, age 4.
Tortured and beaten to death by foster mother.
Bailey Maytubby, age 5 months.
Suffocated by father.
Bradley McGee, age 2.
July, 1989.
Died of head injuries caused by stepfather
plunging his head into the toilet.
Jasen Mena, age 2.
March, 2003.
Beaten to death by father’s girlfriend.
Jose Mendoza, Jr.
August, 2003.
Beaten to death.
Maria Mendoza, age 2.
November, 2002.
Beaten to death by parents.
Rebecca Meza, age 2.
May, 1997.
Drowned by mother’s boyfriend.
Letemarra McDowell, age 20 months.
March, 2004.
Beaten and suffocated by parents.
Dylan T> McGaughy, age 3.
July, 2001.
Died after mother’s boyfriend did wrestling
moves on him to discipline him.
Alexander McKenney, age 7 months.
Smothered by father.
Jatavius McKillion, age 18 months.
February, 2004.
Died of starvation and neglect by parents.
Ryan McClure, age 2.
April, 2002.
Died of Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Ashton McMullen, age 4 months.
November, 2003.
Beaten to death by father.
Damion McTeer, age 2 months.
October, 1998.
Shaken Baby Syndrome by father.
Kevin Mikell, age 2.
February, 1996.
Tortured and beaten to death by his father.
Jacob Miller, age 2.
November, 1997.
Shaken baby syndrome by his aunt, who was
his guardian.
Juanita Minjarez, age 3 months.
November, 2002.
Died from Shaken Baby Syndrome by her father.
Clayton Miracle
1993. Beaten to death by foster mother.
Diana N. Molina, age 2.
September, 2003.
Alfredo Montez
July, 2002.
Beaten to death by babysitter.
Anthony Moore, age 5.
November, 2002.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Justina Morales, age 8.
December, 2001.
Mother’s boyfriend raped her, attempted
to drown, smother and beat her to death, and finally suffocated her to death.
Hayleigh Murphy, age 15 months.
December, 2003.
Smothered to death by aunt’s boyfriend.
Tatijuana Neal, age 9 months.
February, 2002.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Jonathan Nix, age 10 months.
October, 2000.
Beaten to death by father.
Zy-Nyia Nobles
May, 2000.
Shaken baby syndrome by mother.
Shaloe Nofire, age 2.
January, 1998.
Beaten and shaken to death by mother’s
Erwin Ocasio, age 2.
September, 2003.
Beaten to death by his father.
Javonie Ochoa, age 4.
December, 2000.
Starved and beaten to death by mother, grandmother,
aunt and uncle.
Keron Owens, age 3.
January, 1992.
Shaken Baby Syndrome by foster parents.
James Pack, age 4.
May, 2003.
Beaten to death by his father.
Michael Padin, age 5.
November, 2003.
Beaten to death by his mother's boyfriend.
Tristan Payton, age 18 months.
September, 2000.
Beaten to death by grandfather.
Alex Pavlis, age 6.
December, 2003.
Died from blows to the head by his newly adoptive
Devonta Pickens, age 2.
March, 1997.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Alexandra Pirkins, age 14 months.
Shaken Baby Syndrome by babysitter.
Lamar Polland, age 15.
Burned to death after mother lit him on fire.
Constance Porter, age 2.
February, 2001.
Murdered by foster mother.
John Daniel Powell, age 19 months.
May, 1996.
Beaten to death by mother.
Dakota Prince, age 5.
Nehemia Prince, age 3.
July, 2003.
Died after being left in car for five hours
by foster mother.
Steven Quinn, age 2 ½ .
March, 2002.
Caprice Reid, age 4.
July, 1997.
Beaten with broomstick for four days by foster
mother and foster grandmother.
Aliza Trujillo Reighard, age 2.
February, 2003.
Shaken and beaten to death by mother’s
Esbin Ramirez Reynoso, age 1.
April, 2003.
Shaken baby syndrome by father.
Shakeima Richardson, age 15.
July, 2003.
Beaten to death.
Janie Christine Richmond, age 20 days.
October, 1995.
Beaten to death by father.
Matthew Richmond, age 12.
January, 1997.
Developmentally delayed child was scalded
to death in bathtub full of boiling water by mother’s boyfriend.
Samantha Ritchie, age 4.
Clubbed to death by mother.
Jose Roberto, age 2 months.
January, 2001.
Died from child abuse.
Demetri Robledo, age 14 months.
October, 2000.
Tortured and beaten to death by mother's boyfriend.
Jesus Enrico Rodriguez, age 13 months,
June, 2003.
Beaten to death by teenaged brother.
Genny Rojas, age 2 ½.
July, 1995.
Scalded to death in hot water by her aunt
and uncle, who were her guardians.
Joshua Joe Rolls, age 19 months.
February, 1992.
Eduardo Rosa, age 8.
March, 1998.
Strangled and beaten to death by stepfather.
Brianna Sanchez.
July, 2002.
Beaten to death by father.
Dylan Sanders, age 18 months.
June, 1999.
Beaten to death by mother.
Gabrielle Sanders, age 3.
January, 2001.
Beaten to death by father.
Tasjean Sanders, age 7.
March, 2004.
Beaten to death by stepfather.
Myshil Sandoval, age 3.
Novelmber, 1999.
Beaten to death by mother's boyfriend.
Milan Anjonet Scott, age 3.
June, 2000.
Beaten to death by mother's boyfriend.
Nia Scott, age 3.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Krystal Scurry, age 2.
November, 1991.
Beaten to death by foster mother and her adult
Schuyler Shaw, age 2 ½ months.
November, 2001.
Shaken baby syndrome by grandmother.
Ann Marie Shawley, age 2.
September, 2003.
Tortured and beaten to death by stepmother.
Jeremia Sheffler, age 6 months.
Beaten to death by stepfather.
Rayna Silva
November, 2000.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Keith Sims, age 3.
Beaten to death by grandmother.
Prestina Sims, age 19 months.
September, 1999.
Tortured, neglected and beaten to death by
her aunt, who was her guardian.
Warren Skidgel, age 2 months.
Shaken Baby Syndrome by father.
Brittany Nicole Smith, age 9 months.
April, 1998.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Christopher Oliver Smith, age 13 months.
Shaken baby syndrome by a daycare worker.
Mikinah Smith, age 1.
March, 2003.
Shaken and beaten to death by foster father.
Michael Noah Snyder, age 4 months.
Starved to death by parents.
Breean Spickard, age 5.
Beaten and kicked to death by mother and church
members who thought she was possessed by the devil.
Faith St. Yves, age 1 month.
Suffocated by father.
Lisa Steinberg, age 6.
Beaten to death by illegally adoptive father.
Wesley Stepp, Jr., age 1 month.
Thrown against ceiling and floor by father.
Tiera Steward, age 9.
October, 2000.
Beaten to death by father.
Jonathan Stuart, age 5.
August, 1996.
Starved and beaten to death by mother.
Alfredo Swallows, age 2.
July, 2002.
Beaten to death by mother’s friend,
who was watching him while mother was on a 4-day meth binge.
Inia Taylor, age 8 months.
October, 2002.
Shaken baby syndrome by father.
Cesol Thompson, age 3.
November, 2003.
Beaten to death by father’s girlfriend.
Quentin Alexander Thompson, age 4.
September, 2003.
James Thorton III, age 3.
December, 1996.
Beaten to death by father.
Tyler Trelatsky, age 10 weeks.
February, 2001.
Died of Shaken Baby Syndrome by father.
Ciera Trimble, age 3.
Beaten to death by mother.
Ramiro Isabel Valdez Jr.
January, 1997.
Strangled to death by mother.
Alicia Versluis, age 3.
May, 2000.
Beaten to death by mother's boyfriend.
Cody Von Haden, age 4.
Courtney Von Haden, age 2.
Suffocated to death by father.
Jabriel Walder, age 3
Michelle Walton, age 10.
October, 1994.
Beaten to death by foster father.
Shania Webster, age 4.
January, 2004.
Beaten to death by mother.
Alquan White, age 3.
Murdered by father.
Demetrius White, Jr., age 3 months.
October, 2003.
Died of Shaken Baby Syndrome by father.
Wendell White, Jr., age 6 months.
November, 1997.
Kidnapped by father. When cornered by police,
the father smashed the baby’s head onto the pavement.
Jasmine Wilkerson, age 7.
February, 1999.
Kicked and beaten to death by mother.
Cassie Williams, age 11 months.
May, 1997.
Beaten to death by father.
Donovan Williams, age 10 weeks.
March, 2003.
Died of Shaken Baby Syndrome by father.
Faheem Williams, age 7.
January, 2003.
Starved to death by foster parents.
Rainah Wilson, age 5 months.
June, 2001.
Punched to death by father.
Robert Charles Williams, Jr., age 11.
Died after being punched in chest by father.
Carlos Winbush, age 2.
February, 1998.
Punched to death by foster mother.
Lakeisha Witherspoon.
October, 1991.
Beaten to death by mother’s boyfriend.
Daniel Woodward, age 2.
September, 2003. Beaten to death by mother’s
Rufus Manzie Young, Jr., age 4.
April, 2002.
Beaten to death by foster parents.
Dinah Jo Zeck, age 4 months.
December, 1999.
Beaten to death by father.